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How to Set Up a Youth Group

By: Tom King - Updated: 17 Aug 2024 | comments*Discuss
How To Set Up A Youth Group

Setting up a youth group can be a long and often difficult road, involving more work than you might expect. But at the end of that road is the opportunity to improve the life not only of local youngsters, but also to help to foster a stronger sense of community in your neighbourhood. This article will help you to understand the five steps required to found a youth club.

Making Contact with the Council

It’s essential that you establish contact with the local council as soon as possible. They are likely to have a team of people dedicated to community safety and/or young people, who will be able to advise you on every element of starting up a youth club.

Make sure you ask them whether they have any literature or guidance that they can give you, whether they might be able to help with funding, and whether they agree with you that there is a genuine need for some sort of club for young people in the area. Should there be other youth clubs in the area, they may be able to put you in touch with other leaders who can assist you in coming up with a workable plan.

A Plan for the Club

The most important questions you should be asking as you seek to set up a youth group are, “What do young people actually want to do? And what can I do to organise events which appeal to them, but are also well-run, safe, and character-building?” The best way of finding out the answers to these questions is to get out there and ask youths what they would want from such a club. They may well surprise you with their answers, and you will certainly have a more accurate vision for the group after you have done this research.

Finding the Right Venue

Youth groups have historically met in community-orientated places such as church halls or local sports centres, but you should be pro-active in researching other venues which may work.

It is very important that you organise a space which is focused towards young people; if the kids feel uncomfortable in the venue then they may stop coming. If possible, try to include your prospective attendees in the process of decorating the venue, so that they have a sense of ownership and inclusion from the beginning.

However, with venues at a premium in many areas, you may wish to consider sharing a space with another club, in which case you may not have as much freedom to make the venue your own. Finally, you need to consider all the youth in your area, which means ensuring that the venue is accessible for those with limited mobility.


Youth clubs are not easy to organise, and funding is one way in which you can make the task a lot easier. The best way of getting funding is to approach certain organisations which are devoted to helping communities, such as the National Lottery Community Fund.

When approaching these organisations, it is important that you clearly set out the aims and objectives of the club, as well as exactly what funding you require, and where the money will go should you receive it. Aim to be clear, professional and organised in your presentation.

Insurance and Legal Considerations

These days there are several legal factors to consider when setting up a club for young people. You will need to ensure the venue is covered by a public liability insurance policy, so that if there are any accidents or mishaps, the venue, you and the club’s members are all covered.

This may entail health and safety checks or risk assessment, so be prepared for large amounts of paperwork. You will also need to ensure that all leaders, whether paid or voluntary, have gone through a Criminal Records Bureau disclosure which shows that they are suitable for work with young people. Finally, you will need to establish a Child Protection Policy.

Your local council will often be able to assist you in all of these matters.

Once you’ve gone through these organisational measures, it only remains for the club to begin! This is the most exciting part of running a youth club, and it’s important to use the momentum of the first few weeks to establish a routine and to gather ideas for the future from the youth who are attending.

Ask them questions about what they want to do, and build the club’s activities around their dreams and desires. It’s also important to establish an atmosphere of discipline and structure, so that the kids know where their boundaries are. The process of setting up a youth club can be arduous, but the benefits definitely outweigh the difficulties – good luck with your new venture!

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I was thinking of doing a community combination club which is Youth club for teens (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19) and young adults (20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25) and After school club (under 18’s), it’s where teens and young adults gets to do activities, go on trips, play games and have chill out times and a lot of things, I named it the We Are The Free Community club I offer so much with this idea Ideas I got to offer 1. People around the same age in the same rooms 2. Games 3. Chill out time 4. Consoles 5. Activities 6. Trips 7. Cooking 8. Private rooms Summer activities 1. Sleep overs 2. You can go on any trips you want to go on whether it’s inside of Bedford or if it’sin London or anywhere 3. If there’s any trip you want to go to let a member of staff know what trip it is, when it is and when is the trip, where you need to go at and what time you need to get there and when is your last day at the trip so they know what time they have to pick you up and they’ll write it on the board 4. On the days of the trips you want to go, the member of staff will either drop you off to whatever location it is 5. We can even invite each other to the trips 6. Going to events - carnivals, theme parks, museums and many more 7. Different kind of Studios Different events 1. Ethnicity Week - where you wear something that represents your ethnicity, cook a food from your culture which is from your choosing, talk about where bouts you from in your ethnicity and introducing each other to snacks from our cultures 2. Sporting events - team sporting events 3. Going to arcades, trampolining, having nights out and many more 4. carnivals, theme parks, museums and many more If you want more freedom, if there’s trips or places that you want to go to, if there’s something that want bad enough, if you want the chance to make your own decisions and have your own freedom, if you want a place where you want to go your voice will be heard and anything you want, you’re gonna get, if you want space when your having tough times or just to chill with your friends, this is the place for you Important rules: 1. No illegal substances 2. Any trip you go to, always make sure a member of staff for safety reasons 3. Always clean up after yourself There’s also gonna be house groups as well House groups Names of the house groups and their house colours Tanager House - Yellow Nightingale House - Green Kingfisher House - Blue Crossbill House - red Puffin House - Pink It’s For Teenagers and Young adults to spread their wings and have a freedom of speech and and make their own decisions It’s also for kids and younger people that are in Year 7, 8 and 9 to have fun but also they’ll need parents permission because they’re still kids and for safety reasons as well Group Trips: you get to choose any trip you want to go on and you’ll get taken there like having adventures, any type of adventure you want Personal trips: if there’s a trip
J.Takz - 17-Aug-24 @ 7:41 PM
I would like to know all the skills and qualifications needed to set up an after school and weekend youth club in east London. I have a 15 year old and they have no where safe to go after school, just hanging around on streets and parks daily so they can socialise. my son has had many altercations with other groups and gang members, also being approach by police on his way to get food from our local chicken shops. I would like to set up a safe space for him and other young children aged 12-18 I would really appreciate your help Thankyou Felicia melhado
Felicia - 15-Feb-24 @ 2:13 AM
I would like to open youth centre and treatment centres and open a young person youth centres courses and young people's centres and the young people's have been abused child physocology degree however young persons youth centre for young people's.
5ft3 - 18-Jul-23 @ 6:28 PM
I am looking to setting up a virtual youth club
MentorMatch with Cha - 23-Apr-23 @ 10:57 PM
Plans are far advanced to start a youth group in my locality In order to help some of the youths to live purposeful life to achieve their godly life goals. Kindly advice me
Complete - 10-Nov-22 @ 3:38 PM
Best of all
Abdogargar - 7-Nov-22 @ 8:24 PM
Hi Looking for some advise Where do I start to run a youth club.
Georgie - 27-Jun-21 @ 5:19 PM
Asslam-o-alikum wrwb I want to be part of youth club.To gain my knowledge and to be a motivation for others. Can i join this If yes then how??
Areej - 17-Jun-21 @ 2:26 AM
I'm a parent I work for social development
Minister - 30-May-21 @ 10:44 AM
Hi am really delighted of the information got here just that I had started up a youth club in my village aiming at reducing early marriages, school dropouts, increased youths crimes and promoting social-genda equality among people but have just been experiencing inadequate capacity of information on how to run and manage the club because am really down with resources to be used and my team which is unskilled in handling related responsibility so I don't know if you get render with the utmost assistance to my club though we are stiff infants. Thanks
MC Okz Ug - 2-Jan-21 @ 4:38 PM
Hi i am interested in starting a youth group in my neighborhood for underprivileged/at risk children who face detrimental barriers to improve thier quality of life. For example a preteen who is exposed to drug use or homelesness wouod be provided with the skills/resources needed to resist peer pressure, or be offered a drug free safe place to do homework, shower, do laundry, homework. Basically a cross between a youth program/ homeless shelter
Jessica Alexius - 15-Dec-20 @ 2:48 PM
Hi am Waran George from juba South Sudan. I'm setting up a youths group aiming at improving youths standard of living by generating income intervention
Mojulei - 18-Oct-20 @ 9:37 AM
I want to open a youth group that deals with things affecting young people and also that will be helping those who are abused,nd have trips,camps and expose them to another side of life, l would need advice on all of these.
Khumzi - 18-Apr-20 @ 2:42 PM
Hi everyone I would like to start my own community project for ylung people and how to make sure there safe. Is there any ideas regarding ylung people community projects?
Slmasu - 4-Apr-20 @ 10:12 AM
Hello how are you? What kind of information are you guys providing? I would like to open my own youth centre is there any fundings?
Lara - 12-Apr-19 @ 12:40 PM
Can somebody tell me more about the insurance needed for a youth club please. If I have a friend with public liability for his business, and the insurance states it is for Football coaching and Personal Training, if he came to my youth club, could I just use his policy as the youth club's insurance? Or do I specifically need to take out insurance with my name on it and the purpose being a youth club?
FredWest - 18-Feb-19 @ 7:11 PM
We are a youth club that started not so long ago..we in need of funding..
winza - 24-Jan-18 @ 10:46 AM
I'm a parent , I work for social development. There are lots of youth running around the street in my surbarb. I want to start youth club. To to keep them busy.
Thandy - 7-Dec-17 @ 11:56 AM
I want to start a youth club in my community however before doing so I want to put together a survey /questionnaire which I will now be able to identify how, what, andwhy this group will improve /enhance the development of the community. So I need help Iformulating these questions.
Sonia - 20-Aug-17 @ 1:59 AM
Hi Minaxi, I am happy you are thinking of starting a youth group. In Africa Lagos Nigeria in the community I live many youths don't know what the future holds for them I have this burden too for them. I was at a baring saloon yesterday and asked a couple of youths I met about a youth club. I realised they have never attended any and couldn't tell what it can do. It is great opportunity. I hope to start a meeting/focused groups with parent, and youths and visit the local government council for information and help. Seek an easy to visit, and interact and relax center.Get those interested in contributing deco and art works etc I hope to follow up all these. Let keep in touch.
Youthfocused - 11-Jun-17 @ 3:56 AM
Hi........actually i m a parent of a 14 year boy.Dis z d age of distraction and my son is also attracted to these distractions. After all my efforts i hv decided to start a club for youngsters to make them busy vd social activities in our guidance .but d problem z i don't know how to start a club so that i can provide children acright platform...plz give me directions
Minaxi - 7-May-17 @ 8:15 AM
hello,i just need you to know that im gay thanks for understanding
spunk rag - 24-Jan-17 @ 2:12 PM
hey every one I need your help I want to start a youth club so I need a way forward thanks.
nothi - 24-Sep-16 @ 7:07 PM
I am a youth who always believe that in order for a society to be progressive,one must look first at the development of the youth.Therefore,I come up with the idea of creating a youth group for my community.however,the group has not started as yet so I am seeking some advice towards moving forward.my contact is 2923281.your thoughts will be very much appreciated.thank you.
Smurf - 12-Nov-15 @ 2:41 PM
Hello I am doing a university assignment on community engagement.I am putting together a theoretical proposal on setting up a youth club for young people with additional learning needs. Any help you could provide towards my research would be greatly appreciated in terms of needs analysis,funding sources, leadership etc Thanks Rebecca ONE
becs - 14-Mar-15 @ 9:24 AM
@Geoff. Thanks for sharing your experiences.interesting thoughts and we've heard many males expressing the same opinion actually.
YouthGroupGames - 23-Jan-15 @ 2:23 PM
I am the administrator of Youthlink (England & Wales), a small network of youth groups formed in 1971. Most groups are 'Journey Groups' taking small groups of young people (11-17 or 18+) to events and destinations throughout the UK and parts of the continent. We began as boys groups back when few groups were mixed. From 1985 groups were for boys only or girls only or mixed. However, often we could not get leaders of both genders (essential if you are away overnight) so many were single gender. It is the boys only groups that are most popular. One rason is that the girls have the girls-only groups in the Brownies and Guides and majorettes and female only swimming and keep-fit groups whereas boys only or male only groups are now extremely rare. Another is a complex sociological one that I have studied in depth. Basically it is that girls love to t do traditional boys things but boys hate doing traditional girls things and hate being a minority in a mixed group. Do therefor consider your local needs in this. We started a mixed group but it gradually became a girls group. As there were already 5 girls only groups in the small town but no boys groups, we started a boys adventure group. Girls wanted to join but we pointed them to the many girls groups. Amazingly, it was a Girl Guide leader, female of course, who branded the boys group as sexist but said that girls groups were different and not sexist. The boys groups have been highly successful, presumably because the boys can be boys and maybe because it is something different.. And so, before you start up a new group, do consider what you have in your area already. It is better to have one strong group than many competing for the kids and sliding downhill as a result.
Geoff. - 22-Jan-15 @ 1:49 AM
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