Home > Setting Up A Youth Group

Setting Up A Youth Group...

Below are our articles on the subject of Setting Up A Youth Group. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Agreement for Parents to Help at Youth Group
Agreement for Parents to Help at Youth Group
Active parental involvement can play a huge role in making your youth group successful. Encouraging and motivating parents, so that they truly want to take part, is…...
Conflict Resolution in Youth Groups
Conflict Resolution in Youth Groups
Identifying and resolving conflict can be an important part of every youth group, and can even teach members important life skills....
How to Manage a Youth Group
How to Manage a Youth Group
Managing a youth group can be as demanding as any other type of management, whether in the office or elsewhere. This article helps you to cut through the difficulties…...
How to Set Up a Youth Group
How to Set Up a Youth Group
Setting up a youth group is a worthwhile, productive endeavour leading to numerous benefits for leaders and for the teens who attend. But how do you go about it?...
The Legal Requirements for Youth Groups
The Legal Requirements for Youth Groups
The legal requirements for any group involving children these days are something of a minefield. This article attempts to unravel what you must do as a leader of a…...
Top Tips to Keep Older Kids Busy
Top Tips to Keep Older Kids Busy
Finding games suitable for older children in a youth group can be tricky, but older kids needn't feel bored or left out just because they are the oldest. Let our top…...
Top Tips to Keep Younger Kids Busy
Top Tips to Keep Younger Kids Busy
Keeping younger children busy while the older ones take part in their own activities is definitely an art, and it’s important to do it right to keep everyone in your…...
What Benefits do Kids get from Youth Groups?
What Benefits do Kids get from Youth Groups?
Youth groups can be a great way for children to grow. Not only do groups provide activity and exercise, but they also offer chances to learn new skills and abilities....
What do Kids Want from a Youth Group?
What do Kids Want from a Youth Group?
Youth groups can offer many different things to children. But what do they actually want from their youth group? This article explores the main benefits of such a club....
Why Play Games at all?
Why Play Games at all?
Most youth groups base their time around the playing of games. But what exactly is the point of this? What do the kids learn from it?...
Why Set Up a Youth Group?
Why Set Up a Youth Group?
Caring for children has always been difficult and demanding, especially in a society becoming more and more fragmented. This article explores why youth groups are…...
Writing a Behaviour Agreement for Youth Group
Writing a Behaviour Agreement for Youth Group
Keeping kids in control is a must for every youth group. But how can you ensure that members of your youth group keep their behaviour in check? Writing a behaviour…...