Active Games...
Below are our articles on the subject of Active Games. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Ball Games for Youth Groups
Ball games are a great way for youth groups to encourage children to learn lots of new skills, including teamwork, hand-eye coordination, and strategy. This article…...

Games for Adventurous Kids
Life is supposed to be one big adventure, but unfortunately that's not always the case. Here are some fun games to get those adventurous kids moving, and some…...

Games to Improve Specific Skills
Making use of each child's specific skills set - and encouraging them to flourish - is the goal of every youth group member. Here are some fun games that reinforce…...

Instant Games - Without Equipment
All youth leaders love instant games. They don't require any set-up time, preparation or equipment, and they can be played at any time, while other things are being…...

Relays and Races for Youth Groups
So you've played the ice breakers and the get-to-know-you games. Now you want to instill a sense of healthy competition in your youth group. One of the best ways to do…...

Silly Games for Younger Kids
Everyone loves having a fit of the giggles, especially young children. So what better what to encourage them to break out in peals of laughter than with these silly…...

Why Play Active Games?
Children need regular exercise more than ever in a time of rising obesity and lethargy. This article explores why active games are so important....

Wide Games for Youth Groups
Wide games are possibly the most quintessential of all youth group games. Whether played in the day or the night, they are always great fun, and can be adapted to suit…...